Oklahoma Contemporary
Hands manipulating clay on pottery wheel


8-week classes • September 30-November 18

4-week classes | Session 1 | Sept. 30 - Oct. 27
4-week classes | Session 2 | Nov. 4 - Dec. 8

A flagship program of Oklahoma Contemporary since 1989, ceramic classes and workshops take place in state-of-the-art facilities at Studio School under expert instruction. After creating works in the Leigh Ann and Paul Albers Outdoor Studio, students may fire their works of art at a range of temperatures and atmospheres in several kilns, including two outdoor gas kilns custom built by Donovan Palmquist of Master Kiln Builders. Studio School is also home to the state’s only community salt and soda kiln.

Tuition for multi-week courses does not include materials. When signing up for a class, all students agree to abide by the policies set forth in the Student Handbook.

Interested in more than just Ceramics? See our full class and workshop list here.

Eight-Week Class | Underglaze: Text and Design

  • Date 6-8:30 p.m., Mondays, Sept. 30 - Nov. 18
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Kim and Steve Bruno Hand Building Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Kat Myers
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
F24 Underglaze

REQUIRED Prerequisites: Introduction to Ceramics

Explore surface design through text and image. Learn to unify different types of vessels using decorative designs and illustrations. Wouldn’t it be fun to start thinking about your work as a cohesive group instead of just piece-by-piece items? You will have designated making time (hand building or wheel throwing) plus time to brainstorm and experiment with underglaze elements across various forms. Cool.

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 2.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly and times are posted outside each studio.

Want to enroll in Ceramic Surface Design with Underglaze but haven’t taken Introduction to Ceramics? Special admittance to the class is granted on a case-by-case-basis pending approval from David Stevens, Manager of Ceramics Program and Studio. Email: dstevens@okcontemp.org for more information.


Eight-Week Class | Wheel Throwing 2 - Monday 6-9 p.m.

  • Date 6-9 p.m., Mondays, Sept. 30 - Nov. 18
  • Cost $265
  • Location The Studios | Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter David Stevens
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
F23 Wheel2

Required Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics, Wheel Throwing 1

This course focuses exclusively on the potter’s wheel. Expanding on the techniques covered in Introduction to Ceramics, this class will improve your skills on the wheel. You will make mugs, cups and bowls while learning more about firing techniques, temperatures and atmospheres.

• Download your syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 2.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.


Eight-Week Class | Introduction to Ceramics - Tuesday

  • Date 6-8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Oct. 1 - Nov. 19
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Kim and Steve Bruno Hand Building Studio + Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Liz Parham
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Ceramic cups of various shapes and sizes

Learn to create sculptural forms and functional vessels like mugs, plates and bowls. This course introduces the two main techniques of ceramic arts: hand building and wheel throwing. We begin with a focus on hand building skills, such as pinching, coiling and slab building. In the second half of class, you’ll learn how to use the potter’s wheel. The class also touches on the science and art of slips, glazes and textures as well as historic and contemporary ceramic artists. Have fun, create functional art and remind your fingers they can do more than scroll.

• If you need a ceramics tool-kit you can purchase it ($32) on the first day.

• You'll also need to purchase a 25 lb bag of clay on the first day. The cost of clay ranges from $17-$21 per 25 lb bag.

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 3.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.


Eight-Week Class | Wheel Throwing 1 - Wednesday 10:30 a.m.

  • Date 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Liv Egan
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Close up view of hands manipulating clay on a wheel

Required Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics

This course focuses exclusively on the potter’s wheel. Expanding on the techniques covered in Introduction to Ceramics, this class will improve your skills on the wheel. You will make mugs, cups and bowls while learning more about firing techniques, temperatures and atmospheres.

• Download your course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 4.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.

Want to enroll in Wheel Throwing 1 but haven’t taken Introduction to Ceramics? Special admittance to the class is granted on a case-by-case-basis pending approval from David Stevens, Manager of Ceramics Program and Studio. Email: dstevens@okcontemp.org for more information.


Eight-Week Class | Wheel Throwing 1 - Wednesday 6-8:30 p.m.

  • Date 6-8:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Joe Cox
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Close up view of hands manipulating clay on a wheel

Sold out! Join the waitlist here.

Required Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics

This course focuses exclusively on the potter’s wheel. Expanding on the techniques covered in Introduction to Ceramics, this class will improve your skills on the wheel. You will make mugs, cups and bowls while learning more about firing techniques, temperatures and atmospheres.

• Download your course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 4.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.

Want to enroll in Wheel Throwing 1 but haven’t taken Introduction to Ceramics? Special admittance to the class is granted on a case-by-case-basis pending approval from David Stevens, Manager of Ceramics Program and Studio. Email: dstevens@okcontemp.org for more information.

Eight-Week Class | Large! Sculptural! Handbuilding

  • Date 6-9 p.m., Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Nov. 20
  • Cost $265
  • Location The Studios | Kim and Steve Bruno Hand Building Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Brian Bosworth
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
F24 Big Sculpt

Required Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics or Large Sculptural Handbuilding.

Make big things. This handbuilding class focuses on large sculptural forms and different construction techniques such as soft slab, coil, hard slab, extruded form and modular forms. You'll learn about contemporary artists who making using large-scale ceramic sculptures. Beginners welcome!

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 4.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly and times are posted outside each studio.


Eight-Week Class | Altered Forms

  • Date 6-9 p.m., Thursdays, Oct.3 - Nov. 21
  • Cost $265
  • Location The Studios | Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Liv Egan
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Altered Form web

Required Prerequisites: Wheel Throwing 1
An advanced ceramics class focusing on alternative construction methods. Using the potter’s wheel as a point of departure, you will throw forms to be later assembled into a unified piece. Projects will include stacked vessels, an exquisite corpse pot and functional objects taken out of the round. You may also explore altering techniques like darting and faceting.

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 5.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly and times are posted outside each studio.


Eight-Week Class | Introduction to Ceramics - Saturday

  • Date 10:30-1:00 p.m., Saturdays, Oct. 5 - Nov. 23
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Kim and Steve Bruno Hand Building Studio + Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Dylan Cale Jones
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Ceramic cups of various shapes and sizes

Beginners welcome, no experience necessary.

Learn to create sculptural forms and functional vessels like mugs, plates and bowls. This course introduces the two main techniques of ceramic arts: hand building and wheel throwing. We begin with a focus on hand building skills, such as pinching, coiling and slab building. In the second half of class, you’ll learn how to use the potter’s wheel. The class also touches on the science and art of slips, glazes and textures as well as historic and contemporary ceramic artists. Have fun, create functional art and remind your fingers they can do more than scroll.

• If you need a ceramics tool-kit you can purchase it ($32) on the first day.

• You'll also need to purchase a 25 lb bag of clay on the first day. The cost of clay ranges from $17-21 per 25 lb bag.

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 7.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.


Eight-Week Class | Wheel Throwing: Cups!

  • Date 2-4:30 p.m., Saturdays, Oct. 5 - Nov. 23
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Lynda and Chuck Nelson Wheel Throwing Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Dylan Cale Jones
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
F24 Cup Cup

Required Prerequisite: Introduction to Ceramics

This course focuses exclusively on the potter’s wheel. Expanding on the techniques covered in Introduction to Ceramics, this class will improve your skills on the wheel. This class is all about cups! Learn to make different kinds of handles, tall cups, small cups and multi-part cups. You'll also learn more about firing techniques, temperatures and atmospheres.

• Download your course syllabus and materials list here.

• If class is postponed because of instructor illness or inclement weather, the rain date is December 7.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly, and times are posted outside each studio.

Want to enroll in Wheel Throwing: Cup Cup but haven’t taken Introduction to Ceramics? Special admittance to the class is granted on a case-by-case-basis pending approval from David Stevens, Manager of Ceramics Program and Studio. Email: dstevens@okcontemp.org for more information.


Eight-Week Class | Hand Building: Vessels

  • Date 2-4:30 p.m., Saturdays, Oct. 5 - Nov. 23
  • Cost $225
  • Location The Studios | Kim and Steve Bruno Hand Building Studio
  • Instructor / Presenter Liz Parham
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact studioschool@okcontemp.org
Hand Building 2

REQUIRED Prerequisites: Introduction to Ceramics
Expand your hand building skills and learn to make different forms of vessels. Experiment with surface adornment and intermediate building techniques.

• Download course syllabus and materials list here.

• If one class is postponed due to weather or unforeseen instructor circumstances, the rain date is December 7.

Open Studio time is included with registration. Open Studio allows currently enrolled students to work on their projects in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studios outside of class meetings. Availability varies weekly and times are posted outside each studio.

Want to enroll in Hand Building: Vessels but haven’t taken Introduction to Ceramics? Special admittance to the class is granted on a case-by-case-basis pending approval from David Stevens, Manager of Ceramics Program and Studio. Email: dstevens@okcontemp.org for more information.


Eight-Week Rental | Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Rental

  • Date July 10-September 3
  • Cost prices vary (see description)
  • Location Studios Building | Cathy and Phil Busey Ceramic Studio
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact dstevens@okcontemp.org

Looking for an opportunity to work independently in the Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Studio? Eight-week rentals occur during Studio School's sessions.

Rentals space is shared and semi private. Rental prices do not include clay or firing costs. Full-time renters receive a discount on firing costs.

Full-day rentals (M-F 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.): $595
Half-day rentals AM (M-F 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.): $300
Half-day rentals PM (M-F 4-8 p.m., weekends 2-5 p.m.): $300

Renters must purchase clay from Studio School or may use their own clay with prior approval of David Stevens.

To secure your rental, email dstevens@okcontemp.org.

Four-Week Rental | Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Rental

  • Date Can start anytime, based on studio availability.
  • Cost prices vary (see description)
  • Location Studios Building | Cathy and Phil Busey Ceramic Studio
  • Age Requirements 18+
  • Contact dstevens@okcontemp.org

Looking for an opportunity to work independently in the Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Studio? Four-week rentals can begin anytime, based on studio availability.

Rentals space is shared and semi private. Rental prices do not include clay or firing costs. Full-time renters receive a discount on firing costs.

Full-day rentals (M-F 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.): $320
Half-day rentals AM (M-F 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., weekends 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.): $160
Half-day rentals PM (M-F 4-8 p.m., weekends 2-5 p.m.): $160

Renters must purchase clay from Studio School or may use their own clay with prior approval of David Stevens.

To secure your rental, email dstevens@okcontemp.org.

Community Firings

  • Cost varies - email for quote
  • Location Studios Building | Ceramics Studio
  • Contact dstevens@okcontemp.org
Ceramic cups of various shapes and sizes

Working on a ceramic project and need access to a kiln? Ceramicists in central Oklahoma are invited to use Studio School’s several electric and two large-scale gas kilns, including a salt and soda kiln custom built by Donovan Palmquist of Master Kiln Builders.

Bisque—$7 per cubic foot

Cone 6—$5 per cubic foot

Cone 10—$12 per cubic foot

Cone 10, Soda—$14 per cubic foot

For more information contact us at dstevens@okcontemp.org.


Monday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Closed Tuesday

Wednesday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Thursday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Friday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

see additional holidays


Visit us at 11 NW 11th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Phone: 405 951 0000
Fax: 405 951 0003

Oklahoma Contemporary
P.O. Box 3062
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

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