Oklahoma Contemporary
A pile of small, multicolored, handmade books


Studio-in-Place: Virginia Sitzes

Join Oklahoma Contemporary online this summer as select Studio School Instructors spend one month working on projects related to themes of creativity, community and resilience in the time of COVID-19. Through biweekly interviews, livestreamed videos and other engaging content, you’ll get an inside glimpse into the creative working processes of contemporary artists at home and in Oklahoma Contemporary’s studio facilities.

About Virginia's July Studio-in-Place project
SHAKEN OUT OF THE SCREEN is a text/image collaboration that seeks to document the psychic terrain of national unrest through community participation. Artist Virginia Sitzes is partnering with poet Lily Greenberg to spark and gather individual expressions, and use these to create a series of books and screen prints. For visual art, Virginia will facilitate three video workshops (one paint, one print, one zine), and from submitted artwork, she will create a miniature library of handmade, collaged books. For text, Lily will provide written prompts, and from responses, she will create three collaged poems. Virginia will screenprint the poems as a complement to the visual art books. SHAKEN OUT OF THE SCREEN asks its participants to see through the lens of this particular moment and respond as candidly as possible — the final product will reflect beyond “what happened” and into the feelings of being shaken, stretched, and woken up.

A person stands in a ballcap and a paint-splattered apron
Artist and Studio School instructor Virginia Sitzes

Follow along and get involved
Through the course of the project, Virginia will be posting updates on this page, the New Light blog and Oklahoma Contemporary’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also follow her on Instagram at @virginiasitzes and visit virginiasitzes.com,

Each Studio-in-Place project engages active community participation. Because this project is a text/image collaboration, there are a variety of avenues for involvement. If you would like to participate, please email studioschool@okcontemp.org or follow instructions on Instagram at @virginiasitzes. All visual art submissions should be mailed in or dropped off at 1412 N Dewey Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73103. The deadline for all submissions is Sunday, July 19.

About the artist
Virginia Sitzes is a printmaker, painter and muralist living in Oklahoma City. She is a Studio School instructor and has taught various workshops regionally. Her work has been featured in Art Focus magazine, Barnstorm Literary Journal, Oklahoma Gazette, the Tulsa Voice and the Inspiring Conversations OKC and Whatcha Makin’? podcasts. She has been the drawing and painting liaison for Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain and is also a printmaking mentor for Artspace at Untitled's high school mentorship program. Virginia is also an active arts organizer. She co-founded the emerging artist collective, Art Group OKC, in 2017 and is the operations coordinator for the Connect::Collect international print exchange. She has curated various pop-up shows and events in houses, alternative art galleries, and non-traditional venues.


Monday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Closed Tuesday

Wednesday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Thursday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Friday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

see additional holidays


Visit us at 11 NW 11th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Phone: 405 951 0000
Fax: 405 459 0551

Oklahoma Contemporary
P.O. Box 3062
Oklahoma City, OK 73101

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