Oklahoma Contemporary is kicking off Hip Hop History Month with an all-day party on Nov. 4. With the groundbreaking Not For Sale exhibition as the setting, we’ll celebrate emceeing, DJing, breaking and graffiti during the Hip Hop Jam.
The Hip Hop Jam is one piece of programming connected to Not For Sale: Graffiti Culture in Oklahoma. The exhibit, showcasing graffiti created by some of the state’s most talented artists, will run to Nov. 30. Nearly 400 people attended the opening reception on Oct. 5.
A media kit, including this press release and high-resolution images of Not For Sale opening (featuring the elements of hip hop), exhibition works and in-progress installation, is at bit.ly/OCNotForSaleKit. Interviews with and exhibitions staff can be organized through Director of Communications Lori Brooks (lbrooks@okcontemp.org). (Oct. 24, 2017)